Base IT (Pvt) Ltd. is Custom Web and Software and Mobile App Development Company and Leading IT Company in Sri Lanka

Inventory Management System Find your software in Cheap rate

21st July 2024

Admin Panel

Company Profile (Create Head Office)
Branch (Create Branch)
Employee Type
Employee Information
Employee Role Assign (User Access Setup)

Head Office/Central Module

Central under Stock
Purchase Requisition
Purchase Order
Purchase Invoice
Purchase/Stock In
Purchase Payment
Purchase Due Payment
All Purchase View
Challan to Branch
Challan View branch wise
Branch Return Receive
Central to party return
Central to party return view
Purchase statement
Sales Details (Branch wise)
Export Ledger


Central Stock Status
Operation Summary
Branch Sales Details
Sales Report Print
Purchase Statement
Export Ledger
Rating of Goods
All Purchase View
All Challan View
Party Return View


Purchase Summary Report
Date Wise Purchase Report
Supplier Payment Report
Suppliers date wise purchase Report
Supplier or Company info details Report
Inventory Order, Reorder level Etc.

Branch/Shop/Sales Module:

Sales Goods
Manually Barcode (Barcode Reader Sales Management and Tracking)
Print Sales Invoice
Under Stock
Branch Requisition (Create Requisition to Central)
Change Product
Return to Central
Branch return View
Sales Statement
Expense Head
Expense Entry


Branch Stock
Branch Sales Details
Shop Sales Report
Shop Return View
Rating of Goods (Most Saleable Product)


Branch Wise Invoice Challan
Sales Discount
Sale through Cash/Card
Sales Summary Report
Date Wise Sales Details Report
Sales Product Return/Change Report


Company Information/Supplier /Vendor Information/
Product Category
Product Unit
Product Entry
Product Reorder (Threshold Value)
Product/Goods list
Stock Goods Shop
Stock Goods Central

Company Transaction:

Collection Entry
Bank Transaction
Cash Transaction
Transaction Report
Current Asset
Company Cash
Individual Bank
Bank all Transaction

Inventory (Stock Status):

Branch Wise Stock Summary
Product Wise Stock Summary
Style Search
Reject Goods
Return Goods
Receive Goods
Stock Report
Stock Ledger
Label Indicator (Defined for each and every product when the product under the minimum label of stock)
Category Wise Stock Summary
Supplier Wise Stock Summary



Our organization creates unique online solutions that provide enhanced efficacy and a competitive edge for your company, as well as for your customers.


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Base IT (Pvt) Ltd. is Custom Web and Software and Mobile App Development Company and Leading IT Company in Sri Lanka
Base IT (Pvt) Ltd. is Custom Web and Software and Mobile App Development Company and Leading IT Company in Sri Lanka
Base IT (Pvt) Ltd. is Custom Web and Software and Mobile App Development Company and Leading IT Company in Sri Lanka
Base IT (Pvt) Ltd. is Custom Web and Software and Mobile App Development Company and Leading IT Company in Sri Lanka
Base IT (Pvt) Ltd. is Custom Web and Software and Mobile App Development Company and Leading IT Company in Sri Lanka
Base IT (Pvt) Ltd. is Custom Web and Software and Mobile App Development Company and Leading IT Company in Sri Lanka