Base IT (Pvt) Ltd. is Custom Web and Software and Mobile App Development Company and Leading IT Company in Sri Lanka

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21st July 2024

Admin Panel

Company Name, Phone, Email, Address, Website, Matching Point, Matching Amount, Logo (Edit/Update)
User Access
User List
Package: Add new package: (Sl, Package. Name, Package. Price, Package. Point, Package. Type, Package. Time, Maximum Matching, Condition free, Action), All Packages (Edit/Update)
Client: All Client List (Sl, Sponsor ID, Position ID, Link, Name, Username, Activation Status, Status, Action)
Give Balance: Add New (Client, Balance, Note), All Balance List (Sl, Date, Trx ID, User ID, Description, Debit, Credit, Note, Action)
Commission: (Investment Profit Process)
Query: All Contact Mail List (SL, Name, Mobile, Email, Subject, Message, Status, Action)
Withdraw: All Pending Withdraw List (Sl, Date, Trans Type, User ID, Trans Number, Trns ID, Amount, Status, Note, Action), All Withdraw List: Sl, Date, Trans Type, User, Trans Number, Admin Trans Number, Amount, Status, Note, Action.

User Dashboard/Panel:

At a glance: Total User, Left User,Right User, Total Match, Left Point, Right Point, Total Active, Left Active, Right Active

Client Profile ((Edit/Update):
Personal Information: (Username, Father Name, Mother Name, Date of Birth, NID, Occupation, Occupation Desc, Present Address, Permanent Address, Office Address etc.)
Bank Information: Bank Name, Branch Name, Account Number, Bank Country
Nominee Information: (Nominee Name, Father Name, NID, Date Of Birth, Relation)
Change Password (Edit/Update): Old Password, New Password, Confirm Password
Transaction: Transfer Balance (Transfer To ID, Available Balance, Transfer Balance, Note), All Transaction list (Sl, Date, Transaction Type, Debit, Credit, Balance, Note)
Purchases Package: New Purchase (Trx Id, Package List, Available Balance, Remain Balance), All Purchases Package List (Sl, Package, Purchases Date, First End Date, Last End Date, Trx ID, Price, Pay Amount)
All Packages: All Package List (Sl, Package.Name, Package.Price, Package.Point, Package.Type, Pay Amount, Package.Time, Maximum Matching, Condition free)
Network List / Binary Tree: Root -> Left, Right -> Children
Sponsor Commission List: Sl, Trx ID, Date, Description, Commission
All Matching List: Sl, Trx ID, Date, Description, Commission
Investment Commission List: Sl, Trx ID, Date, Description, Commission
Withdraw: Bank, Mobile withdrawn (Transaction Type, Account Number, Country, Bank Name, Branch, Available Balance, Withdraw Balance, Note), All Withdraw List (Sl, Date, Trans Type, AC Number, Admin, Trns ID, Amount, Status, Note)
Transfer Balance: Transfer To ID, Available Balance, Transfer Balance, Note



Our organization creates unique online solutions that provide enhanced efficacy and a competitive edge for your company, as well as for your customers.


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Base IT (Pvt) Ltd. is Custom Web and Software and Mobile App Development Company and Leading IT Company in Sri Lanka
Base IT (Pvt) Ltd. is Custom Web and Software and Mobile App Development Company and Leading IT Company in Sri Lanka
Base IT (Pvt) Ltd. is Custom Web and Software and Mobile App Development Company and Leading IT Company in Sri Lanka
Base IT (Pvt) Ltd. is Custom Web and Software and Mobile App Development Company and Leading IT Company in Sri Lanka
Base IT (Pvt) Ltd. is Custom Web and Software and Mobile App Development Company and Leading IT Company in Sri Lanka
Base IT (Pvt) Ltd. is Custom Web and Software and Mobile App Development Company and Leading IT Company in Sri Lanka