Base IT (Pvt) Ltd. is Custom Web and Software and Mobile App Development Company and Leading IT Company in Sri Lanka

School Management System Software Find your software in Cheap rate

21st July 2024

School Management System-

Student Admission: By filling up certain relevant boxes a student-s profile can be created and saved in the system.
Student Registration: By registering the student in the system his/her class, group, section & shift can be saved in the system.
Metit List: The Merit List shows a particular class-s section-s shift-s total merit positions with name GPA, Total GP, Total marks and subjects failed.
Progress Report: The Progress Report shows a particular student-s subject wise mark distribution.
Tabulation Sheet: It shows a particular class-s section-s shift-s tabulations sheet of those student with GPA, Pass/Fail and position.
Teacher Assaign: With the help of this software a teacher can be assigned according to group, shift, section and class.
Mark Distubition: In this section marks of students are given or awarded by the authorized user according to group, shift, section and class.
Aptituite: In this section Aptitudes of students are given or awarded by the authorized user according to group, shift, section and class.
Add New User: In this section a new user can be assigned by fulfilling conditions by choosing user type
Accounts: It will be done after receiving client-s requirements. We have done Basic Accounts Income, Expense etc.

Available Featured Modules:

Subject management.
Class management.
Payments Overview.
Subjects management.
Fees management.
Overdue students list.
Student management.
Teacher Management.
Records management.
Management relationships between different types of users.
Reports generator.
SMS Alerts.

Features related to Students-

Students Admission.
Students Registration.
Students Search

Features related to Teachers –

Student, teacher details
Teacher Search
Teacher Assign
Class Management
Section, Group, Shift etc. management
Marks distribution
Progress Report
Merit list
Tabulation Sheet

Features related to Accounts and administration –

Institutional income information and report (on daily, monthly and yearly basis)
Institutional expense information and report (on daily, monthly and yearly basis)
Institutional, Managerial other reports (Based on requirements)

Online and Smart Messaging Services (SMS):

Main authority of school will find all absent /late student-s lists and parents will also get same alert

Regarding their children by SMS, Email and website.Distributing classes of absent teachers who are in same department and instantly informing them by an alert SMS.
Instant alert regarding any important notices will go to all stake holders, teachers, staff and parents
Parents can ensure all the information of a student in the online by giving ID number.



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Base IT (Pvt) Ltd. is Custom Web and Software and Mobile App Development Company and Leading IT Company in Sri Lanka
Base IT (Pvt) Ltd. is Custom Web and Software and Mobile App Development Company and Leading IT Company in Sri Lanka
Base IT (Pvt) Ltd. is Custom Web and Software and Mobile App Development Company and Leading IT Company in Sri Lanka
Base IT (Pvt) Ltd. is Custom Web and Software and Mobile App Development Company and Leading IT Company in Sri Lanka
Base IT (Pvt) Ltd. is Custom Web and Software and Mobile App Development Company and Leading IT Company in Sri Lanka
Base IT (Pvt) Ltd. is Custom Web and Software and Mobile App Development Company and Leading IT Company in Sri Lanka